Russia’s attack on the Ukraine forced many people out of their homes. Of those, many try to reach EU soil. The EU and the German government are ready and willing to help. Under the following link we have summarized relevant information for Ukrainian refugees seeking to enter Germany and to obtain relevant permits.

Also this year SNB is supporting the student team of the University of Hamburg at the 29th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Vienna. Now that the written pleadings have been submitted, we wish the team every success in the oral hearings.

Against the background of the complex regulatory environment in Vietnam, our Compliance Check is conceived as a status analysis of the legal risk of your local company in seven fundamental areas. These areas include supply chain risk, anti-corruption and insurance coverage.

Axel Neelmeier has been listed as an arbitrator with CIETAC – China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission since 1999 and with SHIAC – Shanghai International Arbitration Center since 2013 ...

With the transaction, which was completed on March 15, 2021, Boehringer Ingelheim has acquired the virology competence center Labor Dr. Merk & Kollegen GmbH in Ochsenhausen ...

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