We are delighted to be hosting this year's General Assembly of the International Advisory Group (IAG) in Germany from 06th of June to 08th of June 2024. With over 110 delegates and guests, this assembly will reach the highest number of participants in the 35-year history of the IAG.

The Girls and Boys Day 2024 at SNB was a complete success! Ten young people took a first look at the world of law.

On 2nd April 2024, our Of Counsel Prof. Dr. Ralf Imhof will hold a webinar for the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, for which you can subscribe here.

SNB was accepted into the Legal Panel by E.ON and is now one of four law firms in the “DE Energy Law” panel. We are very happy about this success.

Our partner Dr. Jörg-Michael Scheil was recently invited as speaker for a webinar in collaboration with the China IP SME Helpdesk of the European Union and FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, where he discussed the specific IP challenges arising in the context of R & D projects of European companies with Chinese partners.

We are happy and proud that the square in front of our Hamburg office in the Chilehaus is now named after our late practice founder, Peter Schulz.

On July 10, 2023, the European Commission presented a new adequacy decision for the transfer of personal data to the United States ("EU-US Data Privacy Framework") on the basis of which data transfer to the USA is now possible (again).

On December 30, 2022, the National People’s Congress released a second round of draft revisions to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China to solicit opinions from the public. The revision contains several important amendments which we introduce in our newest newsletter.

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