Axel Neelmeier studied law and psychology at the University of Hamburg. From 1981 to 2016 he was partner at SNB.
Axel Neelmeier as an attorney-at-law focused on advice to and representation of enterprises in all matters related to trade and corporate law. This included advice on domestic and international M&A transactions. This service concentrated on China because of advising on many investments from and into the People's Republic of China and because of establishing, supervising and supporting of SNB's own office in Shanghai.
Since many years Axel Neelmeier has been concerned with arbitration proceedings - especially with reference to China. He was a founding member of and from 2007 until 2012 the managing director of CEAC - Chinese European Arbitration Centre, Hamburg.
Nowadays Axel Neelmeier is exclusively working on arbitration matters. He has extensive practical experience as arbitrator, presiding arbitrator, sole arbitrator and counsel at various arbitral institutions, i.a.:
- CIETAC – China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Beijing
- SHIAC – Shanghai International Arbitration Center, Shanghai
- HKIAC – Hong Kong International Arbitration Center
- CEAC – Chinese European Arbitration Centre, Hamburg
- DIS – Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Cologne
- Arbitration Court of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
- Hamburg Friendly Arbitrage
He often has been publishing on China related arbitration issues and he is a regular speaker at related conferences. Axel Neelmeier is known as one of the few German experts on arbitrations in China.
You can find a brief introduction to the drafting of arbitration clauses here.
Axel Neelmeier is member of the Hamburg Arbitration Circle, Member of the Advisory Board of the Beijing - Hamburg Conciliation Centre, Hamburg and is an honorary judge at the Hamburg Lawyers´ Professional Court.
Telephone +49 (0)40 - 36 97 96-12 / Telefax +49 (0)40 - 36 20 88
E-Mail a.neelmeier@snb-law.de
Chilehaus / Entrance C / Burchardstraße 13 / 20095 Hamburg
- Deutsch-Chinesische Juristenvereinigung e.V.
- CELA – Chinese European Legal Association e.V.
- DIS – Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
- Hamburg Arbitration Circle e.V.
- Chinesisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft Hamburg e.V.
- CSH – Chinesische Schule Hamburg (Vorsitzender des Beirates)
2016 „Länderbericht Volksrepublik China“ in „Münchener Kommentar zur Insolvenzordnung“, Verlag C.H. Beck, 3. Auflage 2016
2015 Urteilsanmerkung zur Verlautbarung des Chinese Supreme People´s Court vom 15.07.2015 in SchiedsVZ 2015, 250 ff.
2014 „Schiedsgerichte in Asien - insbesondere China“ in „Hamburger Handbuch des Exportrechts“, C.H.Beck Verlag 2. Auflage, 2014
2013 „CIETAC versus CIETAC“ in Deutsch-Chinesische Wirtschaftsvereinigung e.V. Jahrbuch 2012-2013, S. 105 ff.
2012 „Rechte durchsetzen – CIETAC-Schiedsverfahren gewinnen an Bedeutung“, in China Contact 5/2012 Seite 27
2012 „CIETAC Arbitration Rules 2012 – Another Move Forward“, SchiedsVZ 2012, 134 ff.
2009 "CIETAC Arbitration Compared to Other 2009: „Asian Institutions" in “Chinese Arbitration – A Selection of Pitfalls“, published by Maklu Antwerpen
2007 „Verbürgung der Gegenseitigkeit zwischen Deutschland und China?“ in SchiedsVZ 2007, 100 ff.
2006 „Streitbeilegung in der Volksrepublik China“ in Ranft/Schewe, Chinesisches Wirtschaftsrecht, NOMOS Verlag 2006
2005 „Ausländer als Geschäftsführer einer GmbH“ in GmbHR 2005, 1409 ff.
- German
- English
International arbitration procedures in particular in a German-Chinese context arbitration law