The return of the time stamp clock? According to a recent ruling oft he BAG, employers are obliged to record the working hours of their employees
According to a press release of the BAG on the ruling dated 13.09.2022 (Ref.: 1 ABR 22/21), Section 3 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act obliges employers to introduce a system for recording the working hours worked by employees.
Propective New Chinese Procurement Law
In our latest newsletter we highlight the latest draft of the Chinese Government Procurement Law. The involvement of state-owned companies and the "Buy-Chinese Policy" are probably the most important key issues here.
Tightening of the Evidence Act is increasing the requirements for the minimum content of Employment Contracts
With its revision effecting as of 01.08.2022, the legislation has implemented additional legal requirements in the Evidence Act for the content of new employment contracts. Breaches against the new requirements can be fined with amounts up to € 2,000.00.
New Issues when Sending E-Mails
E-mails are practical. They are easy and fast. When entering the recipient’s correct address, it is very likely that the recipient also receives the e-mail. However, there are some issues which must be avoided when sending legally relevant e-mails. The Higher Regional Court (“Oberlandesgericht (OLG)”) Hamm (resolution dating March 9th, 2022, – 4 W 119/20) and the Federal Court of Justice (“Bundesgerichtshof (BGH)”; resolution dating November 18th, 2021, – I ZR 125/21) recently extended the list of issues.
Welcome Dinner
On Sunday, 10 July 2022, we had the honor to attend the welcome dinner of the Directorate-General Agri-Food High-Level Business Mission to Vietnam. This mission aims to give European producers’ representatives the opportunity to meet not only potential partners from local markets but also representatives of the agri-food sector from the whole region, in order to, at the same time, facilitate European agricultural food and beverage exports and to benefit from the positive outcomes of the EU–Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (#EVFTA).
Obligation to register packagings for goods
From 01.07.2022 on, all manufacturers, traders and importers who are selling goods in packagings typically accumulating as waste with private end consumers after being used on the German market, are obliged to register their packaging with the “packaging register” (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister).
New investment strategy China
German and European companies involved in China need a new strategy for their investment in this important market. This is the result of recent political and legal developments. Those medium-sized companies in particular that have been active in China for a long time need to rethink the direction of their future engagement.
Secondary Sanctions, EU Blocking Regulation and the EUCJ Judgment of 21.12.2021 (Case C-124/20)
In our analysis of the EUCJ ruling of 21.12.2021 (Case C-124/20), we examine the relationship of the envisaged proportionality test to the authorization procedure under Article 5(2) of the EU Blocking Regulation in the case of secondary sanctions.